Lab Grown Diamonds vs. Natural Diamonds: The Inside Scoop for Sparkle Lovers!

Posted by Kelsey Forrest on 17th Jul 2023

Lab Grown Diamonds vs. Natural Diamonds: The Inside Scoop for Sparkle Lovers!

Are you a lover of all things sparkly? Well, then you're in for a treat! We've got the inside scoop on the age-old debate: lab-grown diamonds vs. natural diamonds. It's time to get down to the nitty-gritty and find out which one is truly worth your hard-earned cash. So grab your magnifying glass and get ready for a dazzling journey into the world of diamonds!

Breaking Down the Pros and Cons: Lab Grown Diamonds vs. Natural Diamonds

When it comes to choosing between lab-grown diamonds and natural diamonds, there are pros and cons to consider for each option. In this section, we will break down the advantages and disadvantages of both lab-grown diamonds and natural diamonds, helping you make an informed decision.


1. Ethical Sourcing: Lab-grown diamonds are created in a controlled environment using advanced technology. Unlike natural diamonds, there is no mining involved, which means no exploitation of labor, which has been a concern in the past. Today, however, 99% of diamonds in the marketplace are conflict-free thanks to the Kimberley Process that was established to control the export and import of rough diamonds. Even so, lab grown diamonds eliminate this concern altogether for consumers since they are produced in a controlled environment and do not involve the same kinds of ethical concerns.

2. Cost-effective: Lab-grown diamonds are generally more affordable than natural diamonds. Since the production process is streamlined and doesn't rely on geological processes, the cost of manufacturing is significantly reduced.

3. Quality Control: Lab-grown diamonds can be produced to very specific specifications and quality with consistent clarity, color, and carat weight. This means you can expect a high-quality diamond with minimal variations every time.


1. Perception: Some individuals still view lab-grown diamonds as "fake" or less valuable compared to natural diamonds. While this perception is changing, it is something to consider if you value the traditional symbolism associated with natural diamonds.

2. Resale Value: Currently, lab-grown diamonds have a lower resale value compared to natural diamonds. However, as the market for lab-grown diamonds continues to grow, this may change in the future.

3. Limited Size and Colors: Although lab-grown diamonds are available in a range of colors and sizes, the options may be more limited compared to natural diamonds. Those seeking rare colors or exceptionally large diamonds may have fewer choices within the lab-grown market.


1. Rarity and Exclusivity: Natural diamonds are formed through geological processes over millions of years, making them incredibly rare. The exclusivity and prestige associated with natural diamonds can hold significant value for many individuals.

2. Investment Value: Historically, natural diamonds have shown stable investment value and have the potential for appreciation over time. If you are looking for a long-term investment, natural diamonds may be a suitable choice.

3. Unique Characteristics: Each natural diamond possesses its set of unique characteristics, often referred to as the "four Cs" - carat weight, cut, color, and clarity. For those who appreciate the individuality and variations in diamonds, natural diamonds offer a wide range of options.


1. Environmental Impact: The mining and extraction of natural diamonds can have adverse environmental effects, including habitat destruction and pollution. The mining process requires extensive land use and can contribute to deforestation and ecosystem disruption.

2. Ethical Concerns: In some instances, natural diamond mining has been associated with human rights abuses and unethical practices. However, as mentioned above, most diamonds on the market today can be traced to conflict-free means of extraction, making this con more of a perception than a present problem in the industry.

3. Higher Price: Natural diamonds are generally more expensive than lab-grown diamonds due to their rarity and the extensive mining and distribution network involved in their production.

Ultimately, the choice between lab-grown and natural diamonds depends on your personal preferences, budget, and values. Consider what factors are most important to you and explore both options to find the perfect sparkler that suits your needs. Whether you choose a lab-grown or natural diamond, the beauty and sparkle it brings will be a testament to your love and style.