We talk about a lot of proposal ideas on the My Trio Rings blog. Sometimes these ideas are seasonal, like this post about spring wedding proposals, and sometimes they are pretty specific, like this post about proposing with a cat. Elaborate proposals are all well and good (and trust me, the thought you put into popping the question will be much appreciated!), but we want to have some basic tips that you can apply to any proposal scenario. Commit this list of do's and don'ts to memory for when you take out that diamond engagement ring, and you'll have the foundation you'll need to plan the perfect wedding proposal.
Tips for Successful Wedding Proposals
DO: Make it a surprise.
The best proposal is one that catches your love a little off-guard. Even if your significant other knows a proposal is coming, you can plan it so that it happens in a place or at a time she'd never expect. But…
DON'T: Make it too much of a surprise.
No one should be proposing on a second date. Have you talked about your futures together? Have you discussed the possibility of marriage? Do your views on the big, important things align? If so, you're probably in a relationship state where a proposal would be very well-received.
DO: Remember what she would want.
Has she ever talked about how she would want to be proposed to? In private or in public? At home or away? This moment is about creating the wedding proposal of her dreams, so you should make sure you're giving her what she wants. However, that doesn't mean you should take the fun and surprise out of it.
DON'T: Panic if everything doesn't go according to plan.
It's Murphy's law: anything that can go wrong, will go wrong. Everything might not happen the exact way that you envisioned, and that's okay! She probably won't even notice, and sometimes it's those little glitches that make the best memories. Just relax and remember: you're about to ask the girl of your dreams to spend the rest of her life with you. That's the most important thing.
DO: Tell her why.
If you really want to make your proposal out-of-this-world, here's all you need to do: speak from your heart and tell her why you want her to be your wife. When you get down on one knee and present her with a diamond engagement ring, tell her why you love her. Tell her when you first knew you would be together until the end. Think hard about what you want to say and practice saying it!
DON'T: Feel like you need to do it all on your own.
Don't be afraid to ask other people for help. More than likely, her friends and family would be overjoyed to help. Even just asking them about some of her favorite things -- like flowers, songs, etc. (if you don't know them already) -- would both help you and allow them to feel involved.
What are your general do's and don'ts for wedding proposals? Here's one last one: don't forget the perfect diamond engagement ring.